A Surrender to Living Loved – Visionwriters™ Journalizing Study Guide (PDF)


This supplemental study resource guides you through the Visionwriters™ “A Surrender to Living Loved” class. Peter reminds us that through all our difficulties we are called to live a life of surrender to the hope that lies within us, a surrender to living loved by our God and King.

To order this guide, please register for an active “A Surrender to Living Loved” in-person or virtual class brought to you by Visionwriters™.


This supplemental study resource guides you through the Visionwriters™ “A Surrender to Living Loved” class. How do we live filled with joy in the Lord going through times of difficulty in the world today? Can we walk in patience and holiness as we face opposition to our beliefs and our way of life? Peter reminds us that through all our difficulties we are called to live a life of surrender to the hope that lies within us, a surrender to living loved by our God and King.

NOTE: This study manual is created by Visionwriters™ and is only available upon enrollment in a corresponding Visionwriters™ Class. To order this guide, please register for an active “A Surrender to Living Loved” in-person or virtual class brought to you by Visionwriters™.


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