My Healing Journey: A Visionkeeper’s Testimony

Apr 15, 2022 | 1 comment

Martha Beggs shares a portion of her healing journey through journalizing. We pray that a glimpse into her journey and the loving, encouraging words she received would also encourage you!

Background on Martha’s medical journey:

Following a knee replacement in June 2019, a 2nd surgery was performed in July 2019, due to a suspicion of infection that needed to be cleaned out. As it turned out, there had been no infection, but because it had been opened up again, I took a very powerful antibiotic that kills all bacteria (good and bad) for 6 weeks. I developed a lump in my groin and subsequent tests showed the same issue in my throat. They diagnosed me with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

God had shown me to stay in agreement with Him that by Jesus’ stripes I was healed. I did not claim that I had what was diagnosed. I stayed in agreement with God’s Word.

The doctor recommended a “wait and see” period. The follow-up scan at 6 months showed the lumps were gone! However, during this time I had developed a large goose egg on my forehead. It was a fast-growing, large cell Lymphoma of the skull. We moved very quickly to begin treatment with chemo. The “goose egg” bump was completely gone after the 2nd treatment. I took 6 treatments in total. In November 2021, the scan was clear and I had survived Chemotherapy.

The following are excerpts of Martha’s journalizing (written conversation) with God. Martha’s words are in black; the words God spoke to her are in red, as are Bible references.

March 19, 2021

  • Isaiah 28:24 – Does a farmer plow continually at planting time and never plant a crop? Does he continually break open the clods of the ground and never sow his seed?
  • Isaiah 28:29 – His guidance is unfathomable, and the heavenly wisdom he imparts is magnificent.
  • Hebrews 4:12 – For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Father God, my soul is a yearning compass seeking the treasure of your wisdom. I will not protect myself from the cutting edge of the scalpel of your Word. Like a surgeon, you cut with the intention to heal. It can be difficult not to put my attention on the circumstances I have found myself in over these last two years. There are questions I have finally brought myself to ask you, with a few more left unasked. Let me put this out there. I am seeking this nugget of wisdom you want to bring.

You have plowed the soil of my heart, broken up many clods, to prepare it for what you knew was to come. I see this so clearly. My main question is: Have I failed the tests in trusting you to deliver me by taking up the wrong direction a few times? I have to ask!

When my knee surgeon said it was my choice to have the 2nd surgery, did Dave and I take the path that did not allow you to be in charge over this temple? We felt at peace over the decision but jumped into it pretty quickly. The pressure was on and we let peace be our umpire, I thought. Then everything was going so well on the Lymphoma line; I was healed, still am in my heart and mind. But a goose-egg lump on the skull, growing very large, and a few others that had been coming and going seemed like I needed a human instrument of yours to step into the healed process.

So now, here I am wondering about these decisions. Did I rob you of glory? Did I rob myself of glory you wanted to display in me? What kind of testimony do I have in this? Just wondering, Pappa. Have I failed to really believe? I feel like this is the kind of doubt that can send a follower in the other direction. I feel like I need to lay these questions at your feet, Pappa. I know you can take pain and suffering and give it a purpose. I will take communion with you now as a reenactment of your covenant with me, Lord, as I wait to hear your response to me.

Martha, Martha, Martha! I am so glad you have come to me with these questions! I wanted to hear them from you. You have been mulling over them for quite some time now. My Word says, by Jesus Himself, that healing is the children’s bread. It belongs to you as my child. It carries a high price that was paid for you to have it. James has answered your question. The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Healing is not the fruit of human nature is it, Martha? Prayer has much real power!

In order for my will to be accomplished, this will must, on one side, be expressed by a promise. This is why I have left My Word available to my children. How would you know what my promise is, what my will is, if I had not left it for you to be guided by?

On the other side of the promise, it is received and grasped by the believer who prays. Ask, Martha! Keep asking! You are persevering in prayer. You are showing me that your faith expects an answer! Keep at it, no matter the circumstances. Do not grow weary until it is attained. Use those two sticks of dynamite: My Word coming out of your mouth. Put your voice to my promises!

It doesn’t matter what it looks like to anyone else. Keep having conversations with me about it. I am the Just Judge! You have seen many examples in My Word of how “according to your faith it is done to you.” The woman who knew she only needed the crumbs of the children’s bread from under the table to get her daughter healed was an example of a believing unbeliever. You are way past that, Princess. Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.

The manifestation of healing is true, Martha. You have not come in doubt and unbelief this morning. You came seeking answers to your questions. This is the new creation. The old man would not have come for answers. You came for comfort and reassurance. That is what I desired to give you this morning. Time is not a factor in your receiving; you already know that you know that healing is a finished work!

Yes, Lord! I am standing on the Rock of Truth! I am fully persuaded that I AM healed! I don’t need to know what details are lingering around my circumstances. I know you! And I will know you even more as your promise is fully manifested in me.

Perfect, my little Grasshopper, Princess! Keep trusting me to get you where I want you. Keep asking me like the importunate friend at midnight; like the woman who besieged the unjust judge; like the woman who knew all she had to do was touch the edge of Christ’s garment; like the Centurion who knew whose authority he had in asking for his servant to be healed; like Elijah, who knew I had promised it was going to rain and stepped out on the water to proclaim it with me!

Thank you, Pappa, for your quick response! This is always affirmation to me that you want to address what is taking place in my heart. Bringing my heart to you for comfort keeps me from letting the old man live in me.

Exactly! I love you so much, Princess! I will keep you always.

Martha Beggs lives in Salina, Kansas, with her husband, Dave. They were high school sweethearts and have been married for 48 years. They have 2 sons, a daughter-in-law, and 2 grandsons (currently ages 5 and 7). Martha is retired from SBC/ATT (telephone companies). Martha became a Visionkeeper in 2016.


1 Comment

  1. Mark Bunner

    Martha, it is such a blessing to realize that God does want us to be well and live in health. It is there for us to take part in, a finished work from the cross. Thank you for sharing how the love of God has touched your life and may His blessings continue to flow through you.


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